Last night we went out for tea to the Thai Restaurant. Oh it was so yummy.
I received a couple of my presents last night because my hubby was going to work at 5am he and the kids gave me my presents early because he didnt want me to have to wait all day until he got home at 6. So what did I get......... a PANDORA bracelet. The kids gave me some charms for it one with a K and one with an A on it. Hubby told me I have to wait for Valentines day until I get some more charms for it. 

Last night I got a lovely pair of gold earings from my aunt and uncle. They are twisted and just lovely (the ear rings not my aunt and uncle).
This morning I got to open the gift box that arrived from my sister and brother-in-law from Brisbane. Check out the invoice pouch where the card was put that was on the box what a laugh...............

And how spoilt am I? I belong to an online yahoo mail group called CRAFT and we have a birthday club where we send each other "squishies" envelopes with fabric in them. I got to open 14 envelopes this morning and look at what I scored.....................

Thank you to everyone that has helped make my 40th birthday wonderful.