Sunday, June 14, 2009

FW: My new sewing room

This is my new sewing room. I have a new Horn cabinet but having a few issues at the moment. I am not overly happy with it. If anyone is considering buying one if I was you I would really consider it hard!


Beeshebags said...

Woo Hoo aren't you clever emailing a post! Hugs Naomi

The little book of Nessie said...

I am sorry you are not happy with your horn cabinet. I have a quilting cabinet and just love it! Regards, Nessie

Anonymous said...

I just made a quilt room for all of my work....and I find instread of putting my material on shelves..i use a closet and hang then on seems they don't get rinkled as badly...and the material is more visible...good luck to you